♥ Beautiful Love ♥
♥ Beautiful You ♥

Wednesday, March 19

nothing much to say.
After so long of hard work,
it's time for a SCHOOL TERM BREAK.

my dearest birthday is around the corner,
yet i've got no idea what to get for him.
i've got less than a week to decide on what to buy.

finally my maine maine got a job.
she's working at lot one mr bean.
today is her first day of work,
hope everything goes smoothly for her :)
and may she earn more more money to spend with me =X

i'm missing my darling Angela,
it was long since i last met her.
I think the last time I meet up with her was like....
on my birthday,
and that's really LONGGGGG agoooo :(
I'm missing her BADLY.

Angela darling meet up with me soon PLEASEEEEEEE,
i'm missing you :)
Shermaine don't tired yourself working too,
meet me up when you got off too :)
and for the 3 weeks holiday,
most probably will be fiesta fiesta and fiesta *cheer* =p

signing off
tings aka baby\ting
19 March 2oo8 - o1.18pm


Nica is my name ♥

I'm a November baby ♥

Caleb is who I love ♥

No one is precious as you are in my heart. Don't want anyone but you. Your sweet and tender kisses, Your unconditional loves. It's all so great to me. I'm so blessed to be love by you ♥

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layout by Jacquelyn
Icon by Photobucket